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Sets up one or more Swagger documentation UIs via Express using JSDoc from source files.


Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json file is stored:

npm install --save swagger-jsdoc-express


Setup UI

import * as express from 'express';
import * as swaggerJSDocExpress from 'swagger-jsdoc-express';

const app = express();

// create a '/swagger' endpoint ...
        cwd: '/root/path/to/source/files',
        files: [ '**/*.ts', '**/*.js' ],

    // ... and directly register it
    // in 'app'

app.listen(8080, () => {
    // should be available via
    // http://localhost:8080/swagger
    // now

Document API

The following code shows, how to document API (you can put the JSDoc to all locations inside the files, which are handled by setupSwaggerUIFromSourceFiles() function):

 * @swaggerDefinition
 * MonitoringStatusResult:
 *   type: object
 *   properties:
 *     data:
 *       type: object
 *       description: The monitoring data (if operation was successful).
 *       properties:
 *         cpu_load:
 *           type: number
 *           description: The CPU load in percentage.
 *           example: 0.05
 *         database_connected:
 *           type: boolean
 *           description: Indicates if app could connect to database or not.
 *           example: true
 *         disk_space:
 *           type: number
 *           description: 'The total disc space, in bytes.'
 *           example: 509197923979
 *         disk_space_used:
 *           type: number
 *           description: 'The disc space in use, in bytes.'
 *           example: 23979
 *         ram:
 *           type: number
 *           description: 'The total ram, in bytes.'
 *           example: 5091979000
 *         ram_used:
 *           type: number
 *           description: 'The ram in use, in bytes.'
 *           example: 23979
 *         version:
 *           type: object
 *           description: The app version.
 *           properties:
 *             date:
 *               type: string
 *               description: The last commit date.
 *               example: '1979-09-05T23:09:19.790Z'
 *             hash:
 *               type: string
 *               description: The last commit hash.
 *               example: 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
 *     success:
 *       type: boolean
 *       description: Indicates if operation was successful or not.
 *       example: true
interface MonitoringStatusResult {
    // ...

 * @swaggerPath
 * /monitoring/status:
 *   get:
 *     summary: Returns monitoring data.
 *     produces:
 *       - application/json
 *     responses:
 *       '200':
 *         description: Operation was successful.
 *         schema:
 *           $ref: '#/definitions/MonitoringStatusResult'
 *       '500':
 *         description: Server error
app.get('/monitoring/status', (request, response) => {
    return response.status(200)
            // ...

Instead of using YAML, you are also able to use JSON format.



The complete API documentation can be found here.


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